Now that the Planning (Scotland) Act has received Royal Assent, a key focus of the Scottish Government will be preparation of the next National Planning Framework.
The Ministers have announced their intention to move forward with preparing NPF4and there is currently a ‘Call for Ideas’ Consultation. The Scottish Government want to hear about people’s thoughts and priorities for Scotland’s fourth National Planning Framework. The call for ideas is now open, and runs until 30 April.
The RIAS is compiling a corporate response to the call for ideas in relation to the NPF4 and your views can help formulate the response.
NPF4 will address the following high level outcomes:
- Meeting the housing needs of people living in Scotland including, in particular, the housing needs for older people and disabled people
- Improving the health and well-being of people living in Scotland
- Increasing the population of rural areas of Scotland
- Improving equality and eliminating discrimination
- Meeting any targets relating to the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases
- Securing positive effects for biodiversity
The RIAS consultation seeks Members thoughts on the following 5 questions-
1. What development will we need to address climate change?
2. How can planning best support our quality of life, health and well-being in the future?
3. What does planning need to do to enable development and investment in our economy to benefit everyone?
4. How can planning improve, protect and strengthen the special character of our places?
5. What infrastructure do we need to build to realise our long term aspirations?
More detailed guidance is attached and a link to the Scottish Government
If you have any views you feel should be incorporated into the response with the RIAS by Wednesday 15th April at 12pm.
The RIAS look forward to hearing from you.
Responses should be provided directly to:
Elaine Dobie – Practice Administrator
The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland
Email: [email protected]