Strategy Document Images
The RIAS are preparing a national strategy document & they are looking for images of projects which are of Scottish architecture and are relevant to the specific parts of the document. If you have images of projects that you think are suitable and applicable please sent them to us. There are details of image requirements here.
It would be great to see projects by architects in our chapter area included within the document.
Strategy Document Comments
As a chapter we have also been asked to gather comments on the document itself. So please provide any comment to ourselves and we will gather this together and issue to the Strategy group at RIAS. Gordon Smith, our current treasurer, is part of the group so will pass on the information directly and make sure any comments are passed on.
The RIAS are looking to make this document available soon and are looking to make it useful to architects in practice. So please do take the time to review and pass comment. You can download the current draft here.