Fraserburgh CARS – 22.11.18

Surveying the Condition, and Assessing the Conservation, Repair and Maintenance Requirements of Traditional Buildings


On November 22nd 2018, Fraserburgh 2021 Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme is presenting a Course which will provide those attending with an increased awareness and understanding of the requirements necessary for carrying out work to any Building which is listed, or in a Conservation Area.


No fee will be charged to those attending the Course, which will include: Specifiers for Conservation work to Traditional Buildings, Architects, Building Surveyors and other locally-based Construction Industry Professionals; as well as Representatives of Conservation Organisations in the Fraserburgh Area.


The Course will include a survey and detailed inspection of a number of buildings within the Fraserburgh Conservation Area – led by the two principal Course Instructors:


Craig Wilson: A Lecturer in Building Surveying and Conservation at the Robert Gordon University’s Scott Sutherland School of Architecture and Built Environment, Craig is a highly experienced and acknowledged authority on Building Conservation, Design, Finishes and Materials, as well as Industrial Heritage and the History of Architecture.


Dr. Marc Ellington: The Executive Director of the Scottish Traditional Skills Training Centre, Marc has served on the Board of major Conservation Organisations, including: The Historic Buildings Council; Historic Scotland; The British Heritage Commission and the Heritage Lottery Fund, and is the recipient of a Saltire Award, 4 Civic Trust Awards and The European Heritage Award.


As Delegate numbers are limited, and in order to secure your place on the Course, contact Alison Simpson, Community Engagement Officer with Fraserburgh 2021 CARS.

Tel:  01467 534419   Mob:  07766 106304   Email: [email protected]


This Course forms part of the Education and Training Programme of the Fraserburgh 2021 Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme – which is funded by Aberdeenshire Council, Historic Environment Scotland, and the Heritage Lottery Fund.

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