Build It 2020 – Seeking Speakers

Aberdeen’s Construction and Property Conference, Build It, goes online in November for 4 mornings of webinars looking at different aspects of the construction and property industries.

Build It 2019 brought in case studies on sustainability, an increasingly important consideration for not just the construction industry, but for all industries on a global scale. Build It Aberdeen 2020 will take the discussion even further, addressing the role of technology and digitalisation in securing a sustainable future for construction.

With the current global crisis, companies have not only opted to use new ways of communicating, innovating and working digitally but have had no choice in that matter. In these highly challenging times, construction companies are coming together and trying new things to ensure results for all stakeholders – for their customers, for their partners and for the multi-skilled employees behind every single project.

So now it is time to hear from you on how your company is adapting to increase sustainability, particularly in a world gone digital. The Committee of Build It Aberdeen invites you to submit abstracts on topics including, but not limited to:

  • Flexible working and the impact on construction operations
  • The construction industry and global air pollution (including the effects of home working)
  • Sustainable materials and systems used in construction
  • Zero carbon projects
  • Reduction and reuse of resources
  • Protecting the natural environment when constructing
  • Ensuring energy efficiency in new build homes
  • New products and technology driving the construction industry forward
  • How digital can create new opportunities in construction
  • Communicating with customers and suppliers in a locked down world
  • Transferable skills and how the construction industry can help those impacted by recent events

If your company has a project or case study that you would like to share with over 200 industry professionals, then please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing [email protected].

Each speaking slot will be a maximum of 20 minutes, allowing for 5 minutes of questions at the end. The deadline for registering your interest in speaking at this year’s conference is 14th August 2020.

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