Dear Chapter Member,
As an RIAS member you are automatically a member of your local RIAS Chapter. The Aberdeen Society of Architects chapter area covers Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire & Grampian regions.
Local chapter members make up the membership of the ASA Council, which generally meets 6-8 times a year. The ASA AGM is scheduled to take place in April and we would be delighted to receive nominations from local members to join the ASA Council for the coming 2021-2022 session.
The form includes details of the nomination process. Completed forms should be returned to [email protected] or posted to the chapter secretary at the following address before 5th April 2021:
FAO Ross Anderson
The Aberdeen Society of Architects
c/o Tinto Architecture
Mill House, Granholm Crescent
Aberdeen, AB22 8BB
Ross Anderson
The Aberdeen Society of Architects