Sustainable Renovation – Improving Homes for Energy, Health and the Environment

Our chapter members are invited to an event, co-hosted by Robert Gordon University, Scottish Ecological design Association (SEDA), Home Energy Scotland and The Pebble Trust, to highlight best practice on this difficult and important topic.

The event is free to attend, but to avoid over-booking, please reserve places at

The event will be at Robert Gordon University starting at 5pm on Tuesday November 19th.

It is vital that we improve the energy performance of our existing housing stock to achieve targets on climate change and fuel poverty, but much of the work which has been done to date has failed to achieve the promised outcomes. We are delighted to be able to welcome Chris Morgan of John Gilbert Architects to talk about some of the lessons from his Building Performance Evaluation work, looking at the actual results of renovation.

Chris has brought together his observations in a new book, published by The Pebble Trust, and adopted as one of the SEDA guides to best practice. The book is available as a free pdf or as a hard copy (price £10) from the SEDA or Pebble Trust websites, or at the event.

Two other speakers will present case studies of their own work improving existing buildings in the Aberdeen area. These are Bob Pringle, Chartered Agricultural Engineer and David Chouman (RIAS Chartered Practice).

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