Lime Mortar Course – Aberdeen – 27th & 28th June

A free 2-day course in the use of lime mortar. More details can be found in the course prospectus, which can be downloaded here.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This 2-day “hands-on” Course, which is being presented by The Aberdeen Union Street Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS) will address the theory and practical use of Lime Mortar in the conservation, repair and maintenance of Traditional Buildings, Walls, and other Stone Built Structures.

In addition to the importance of using the correct tools and materials, the Course will focus on mixing Lime Mortars, as well as the skills and techniques in its use in a wide range of applications, including pointing and harling. All tools and required course materials will be provided.

DELEGATES: The Course will be of immense benefit to Architects, Building Surveyors and other Construction Industry Professionals in the Aberdeen Area, currently involved, or seeking to become involved, in the Repair, Maintenance and Regeneration of our Built Heritage. 

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