AGM & Debate: Cross Party Group on Architecture and the Built Environment
The Aberdeen Society of Architects are invited to have up to 3 representatives at the upcoming AGM & Debate. Details and notes below. Please get in touch with David Chouman if you would like to attend on behalf of the ASA and report back to the ASA Council [email protected].
More information can also be found here:
Linda Fabiani MSP, invites you to attend a meeting of the Cross Party Group on Architecture and the Built Environment on Thursday 6th December 2018 at 6pm in Committee Room 1, The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh.
The meeting will include a debate and discussion asking, ‘How can the CPG become an agent of change?’ Quality architecture and well-designed places improve people’s health and wellbeing; build vibrant, engaged communities; support inclusive growth; deliver sustainability; and provide opportunities for all. How can the CPG on Architecture and the Built Environment act or intervene and bring benefits to the delivery of the Creating Places agenda? What positive aspects of national initiatives on investment, infrastructure, landform, housing, planning and community empowerment for example can help to inform, influence, innovate and inspire the built environments agenda. The meeting will debate how we can be an agent of change using discussions on architecture and the built environment, where these discussions should be focused and the relevant places and forums to achieve this. The outcome of the meeting will establish a revised ‘statement of intent’ for the CPG and the agenda for 2019.
Please book your place via Eventbrite using the link below:
Information for guests and subscription forms can also be downloaded from the event page.
Kind Regards,
Gemma Sinclair
Events and Communications Assistant
The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland
15 Rutland Square
Tel: +44 (0) 131 229 7545
Fax: +44 (0) 131 228 2188
Email: [email protected]