Climate Emergency Compliant Cities: Aberdeen Hackathon

Sun, 1 September 2019 – Aberdeen Arts Centre – 10:30 – 12:30 BST

“As part of Extinction Rebellion Scotland’s Rebel Rising, the Anthropocene Architecture School are hosting the second in their series of city hackathons in the spirit of getting what needs to be done urgently done in our time of climate crisis, green-washed declarations and lacklustre government targets.

By connecting key players in Aberdeen’s politics and policymaking with those with the expertise in how cities function – architects, infrastructure and transportation specialists, urban planners and so on – and those who live within them, we aim to foster connections and catalyse immediate actions that can be taken to make Aberdeen Climate Emergency Ready.

This is all about deeds and not just words, so in the same spirit as the recent Extinction Rebellion handbook: this is not a workshop.”

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