Historic Churches Scotland, with the support of the St Margaret’s Trust (Braemar), St Margaret’s Gallowgate and the Braemar Local History Group, are delighted to announce a weekend of talks and tours celebrating the work of the architect Sir Ninian Comper.
St Margaret’s Church, Gallowgate
Saturday 16th Nov 12noon-1pm
Join the Very Reverend Dr Emsley Nimmo (FSA Scot), Rector of St Margaret’s Church, Gallowgate, on a tour of the church (where Comper added the chapel of St Nicholas, the rood and the Founder’s Aisle) and learn about theological reasoning that lies behind so much of the iconography of Comper’s work.
St Margaret’s Church, Braemar
Sunday 17th Nov 2:30pm- 3:30pm
Join architect and heritage consultant Andrew Wright for a talk & tour of St Margaret’s Braemar, as he shares the findings of his recent research. Considered Comper’s finest church in Scotland, it features beautiful painted glass windows and an exquisite rood screen. Refreshments will be served in St Margaret’s following the tour.
The events are FREE thanks to funding from the Scottish Government and the European Community (Cairngorms Local Action Group) LEADER 2014-2020 programme.