ASA Chapter Report to RIAS Council – March 2020

The main event in this session was our Annual Dinner and Design Awards, which went without a hitch!

That, of course, is sarcasm.  My own Powerpoint failings were the ice breaker we all needed but no one had planned for.  In past years I have been the saviour of those stranded on stage in the midst of their own powerpoint nightmare, but this year I had to dig myself out of my own, self-inflicted slideshow-shitshow.

We soon got beyond that and the evening was a success.  We had a short rallying call from current RIAS President Robin Webster. Grace was performed by Aberdeen Lord Provost, with a special mention for impoverished architects.  Dinner was preceded by the presentation of the guest speakers, Mairi Laverty & Jude Barber of Collective Architecture. Last in the evening was the formal presentations of the ASA Design Awards presented by President ASA and Judging panel convenor Neil Lamb.

During this period we also took part in and supported the Build Your Future Schools Challenge.

One of our local members, Halliday Fraser Munro, were the main sponsor and heavily involved in the final.  The final was held at the beginning of January and took place at Pittodrie Stadium.  The venue proved ideal for the 10 teams to carry out the various task proposed by companies and organisations across the industry.  The private boxes for viewing the pitch were used for more office based tasks, where as the more physical construction tasks were carried out in the main concourse of the stadium.  The event really exposes the participants to the potential careers in the construction industry.  The winning team were delighted to have won.  Limbs, as they say.

Unfortunately our AGM was to be held the week following our annual dinner, but this has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

We are looking forward to hosting and participating in more CPD events once this current lock-down situation is over and by.  We are turning our focus to Build It Aberdeen – Construction & Property Conference which takes place in November.  The ASA president is now the chairperson of the organising committee, although the large amount of work in organisation is done by local events company Mearns & Gill.

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