A message from Douglas M Campbell – Project Officer – Aberdeen City Heritage Trust
We are pleased to announce the launch of Aberdeen Heritage Lectures 2019, a series of presentations given by specialists in Building Conservation from across Scotland.
The lectures are a chance for architects, surveyors, technologists, building practitioners, specifiers and managers to maintain or top-up their specialist building conservation knowledge and to network with others in the sector. They offer an opportunity to enhance professional development. An attendance certificate will be provided.
The first lecture on 24 April 2019 will be given by Kinlay Laidlaw of Laidlaw Associates Building Surveying Ltd, a Chartered Building Surveyor who used a process of micro-grouting to consolidate Burn’s Monument in Ayrshire. Wash out of traditional solid wall structures is an issue many local professionals will be faced with from time-to-time. This is an opportunity to find out more about micro-grouting and consider its uses and the lessons that have been learned from its practical application on a major national monument.
Lectures will be held at the Sir Ian Wood Building of Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen.
There is a small charge per lecture(£20)to cover event costs. For fuller details of how to purchase tickets via Eventbrite please follow this link to the event flyer. https://aberdeenarchitects.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/aberdeen-heritage-lectures-2019.pdf